Buddhism 佛教

《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-1Different ways of thinking lead sentient beings to different kinds of action which in turn subjects them to rebirth in different states of existence.《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》一切眾生。心想異故。造業亦異。由是故有諸趣輪轉。《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-2Now, Your Majesty, do you notice the variety of forms, colours and species in this congregation and in the sea? Are they not different from one another? Now, all these variations are due to the mind which is responsible for our bodily, oral, and mental acts of either meritorious or de-meritorious nature.《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》龍王。汝見此會。及大海中。形色種類。各別不耶。如是一切。靡不由心造善不善。身業語業意業所致。《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-3As to the mind itself, it is immaterial, unknowable, and ungraspable. It is nothing but a collection of phenomena, transient and delusive by nature. Categorically, things have no absolute existence of their own and there is neither a ‘self’ nor concomitance of a ‘self.’ In accordance with their karma (deeds), things appear in various forms; but positively, there is no creator at the back of them. Hence all dharmas (things or phenomena) are above speech and concept, and their very own nature is phantom-like.《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》而心無色。不可見取。但是虛妄。諸法集起。畢竟無主。無我我所。雖各隨業。所現不同。而實於中。無有作者。故一切法。皆不思議。《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-4Realizing this, the wise perform, as they ought to, meritorious deeds; and by doing so, they attain in their birth skhandhas (aggregates), ayatanas (sphere of meeting or basis of consciousness), and dhatus (elements) of noble nature, and they are pleasing to the eye of those who look at them.《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》自性如幻。智者知已。應修善業。以是所生蘊處界等。皆悉端正。見者無厭。《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-5Now, Your Majesty, when you look at the body of a Buddha begotten by hundred thousand kotis of meritorious and virtuous deeds, you notice that every part of it is in magnificent form. Its splendor outshines that of the assembly…《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》汝觀佛身。從百千億福德所生。諸相莊嚴。光明顯曜。蔽諸大眾。《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-6Again, please look at the Mahasattvas present here. How elegant and pure are their magnificent forms! This is due solely to the performance of good deeds.《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》諸大菩薩。妙色嚴淨。一切皆由修集善業福德而生。《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-7Again, look at the eight species of devas, nagas, etc. All of them are powerful and influential beings, and their favourite birth is also due to the merit of their good deeds.《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》又諸天龍八部眾等。大威勢者。亦因善業福德所生。《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-8Your majesty, you should understand thoroughly the law of cause and effect and as a rule practise good deeds. Make this your constant study and practice and make all sentient beings to do likewise. Towards the Bhikshus (lit the fields of merit), respect them, feed them, and rejoice at their holiness. For doing so, you are now respected by men and devas who make offering to you.《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》汝今當應。如是修學。亦令眾生了達因果。修習善業。於諸福田。歡喜敬養。是故汝等。亦得人天尊敬供養。《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-9Your Majesty, we should know this. There is one way for the Bodhisattva to annihilate all sufferings of evil existence. What is this one way? It is this; from day to night, remember constantly the meritorious dharmas, think of them and make observations on them, so that their impression becomes stronger and stronger in the mind and not the least evil thought can have a chance to mingle therein. Such a practice will enable one to free oneself for ever from evil deeds, to complete the work of meritorious dharmas and to have frequent opportunities to be in the presence of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and other holy persons (for their teaching).《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》龍王當知。菩薩有一法。能斷一切諸惡道苦。何等為一。謂於晝夜常念思惟。觀察善法。令諸善法。念念增長。不容毫分。不善間雜。是即能令諸惡永斷。善法圓滿。常得親近諸佛菩薩及餘聖眾。《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-10Now, why they are called meritorious dharmas? Because they are fundamental religious duties, by practicing which all men, devas, Arhats, Pratyeka Buddhas, and Supremely Enlightened Buddhas attain their respective fruits. Therefore they are called meritorious dharmas.《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》言善法者。謂人天身。聲聞菩提。獨覺菩提。無上菩提。皆依此法。以為根本。而得成就。故名善法。《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-11These meritorious dharmas are the ten meritorious deeds. What are they? They are:—abstinence forever from killing, stealing, unchaste conduct, lying, slandering, harsh language, frivolous talks, covetousness, anger, and heretical views.《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》此法即是。十善業道。何等為十。謂能永離殺生。偷盜。邪行。妄語。兩舌。惡口。綺語。貪欲。瞋恚。邪見。《佛說十善業道經》
Bu-12These ten meritorious deeds will lead us to master completely the Dharmas…all men and devas maintain their footing upon these ten meritorious ways which form the principal base of all merits…Therefore all of you should practice them diligently.《Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds》此十善業。乃至能令一切佛法。皆得圓滿。一切人天。依之而立。是故汝等。應勤修學。《佛說十善業道經》
《The Imperial Edict of Emperor Yong Zheng》《雍正皇帝上諭》
Bu-13All the Three Teachings (Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism) have the capacity to help people be enlightened in China because all Three Teachings derive from the same original source. Their teachings run parallel to each other, thus they do not conflict each other. It is only when people do not have thorough understanding that their mind become unclear and they have differences of opinion. The Taoists think Taoism is better than Buddhism is less esteemed. The Buddhists say Taoism is not as great as Buddhism. The Confucians exclude them both and claim they are not correct. Thus they contradict and compete with each other, each aiming to dominate over the other two. But they only find themselves in a tight contest.《The Imperial Edict of Emperor Yong Zheng》三教之覺民於海內也。理同出於一原。道並行而不悖。人惟不能豁然貫通。於是人各異心。心各異見。慕道者謂佛不如道之尊。向佛者謂道不如佛之大。而儒者又兼闢二氏以為異端。懷挾私心。紛爭角勝而不相下。《雍正皇帝上諭》
Bu-14Through practising the discourse of the Three Teachings, I come to realize they are equally good, even though on the surface they appear to be different, the nature of their principles is the same. They all have the same purpose in mind teaching and encouraging people to be good.《The Imperial Edict of Emperor Yong Zheng》朕以持三教之論。亦惟得其平而已矣。能得其平。則外略形跡之異。內證性理之同。而知三教初無異旨。無非欲人同歸於善。《雍正皇帝上諭》
Bu-15The Buddhas teaching of the Five Precepts and the Ten Virtuous leads people to goodness. The Confucian teaching of the Five Moral Conducts and One Hundred Ways also induce, give incentive, and persuade people to be good. Is there any sacred teaching that does not lead people to do the same?(The Imperial Edict of Emperor Yong Zheng)夫佛氏之五戒十善。導人於善也。吾儒之五常百行。誘掖獎勸。有一不引人為善哉。《雍正皇帝上諭》
Bu-16The six Books of Chinese Classics are to educate the mass population. However, if one hopes to elevate ones spiritual realm, one must use the Buddhist scriptures as the guide. If all my people can adhere to the teaching of Confucianism and Buddhism and become honest, down-to-earth, and good-natured, the country will be at peace and I will have nothing more to worry about.《The Imperial Edict of Emperor Yong Zheng》六經本是濟俗。若性靈真要。則以佛經為指南。如率土之民。皆淳此化。則吾坐致太平矣。《雍正皇帝上諭》
Bu-17If ten people in a village of one hundred families abide by the Five Precepts, we will have ten people who are friendly, kind, honest, cautious and respectful. In a region of one thousand families, if one hundred people abide by the Ten Good Conducts, we will have one hundred people live in harmony. If we apply this same principle to the whole nation where we may have a hundred million of households, we will have millions of virtuous people living in harmony. If we can practise one good conduct, one less evil will be committed. One less evil conduct means the elimination of one punishment. If each family reduces the crime rate by one, we can eliminate thousands and thousands of punishments. Yes, indeed, the country will be in peace and your Highness can sit on your throne without any worry.《The Imperial Edict of Emperor Yong Zheng》百家之鄉。十人持五戒。則十人淳謹。千室之邑。百人持十善。則百人和睦。持此風教。以周寰區。則編戶億千。仁人百萬。而能行一善。則去一惡。去一惡。則息一刑。一刑息於家。萬刑息於國。洵乎可以垂拱坐致太平矣。《雍正皇帝上諭》
《Brahma Net Sutra》《梵網經》
Bu-18Do not commit harmful deeds to the country.《Brahma Net Sutra》不作國賊。《梵網經》
Bu-19Do not slander the leader of the country.《Brahma Net Sutra》不謗國主。《梵網經》
《Upasaka Precepts Sutra》《優婆塞戒經》
Bu-20Do not evade paying taxes.《Upasaka Precepts Sutra》不漏國稅。(《優婆塞戒經》〈受戒品〉)
Bu-21Do not violate the law.《Upasaka Precepts Sutra》不犯國制。(《優婆塞戒經》〈受戒品〉)
《The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana School》《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》
Bu-22Their minds constantly attended on the way of delivering living beings.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 2)心常諦住度世之道。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第二品)
Bu-23[T]hey were the unexpected friends of all manners of living beings.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 2)為諸庶類,作不請之友。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第二品)
Bu-24They treated all living beings as they were their own.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 2)於諸眾生,視若自己。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第二品)
Bu-25Accumulate merits and virtues.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 8)積功累德。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第八品)
Bu-26He disregarded all kinds of suffering.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 8)不計眾苦。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第八品)
Bu-27He had little desire but constant contentment.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 8)少欲知足。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第八品)
Bu-28He constantly entertained compassion and forbearance for all sentient beings.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 8)於諸有情,常懷慈忍。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第八品)
Bu-29With genial looks and kind words, he exhorted, consoled and urged them forward.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 8)和顏愛語,勸諭策進。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第八品)
Bu-30He respected the Triple Jewel.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 8)恭敬三寶。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第八品)
Bu-31He attended on teachers and elders with veneration.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 8)奉事師長。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第八品)
Bu-32He guarded well his oral deeds and never ridiculed other’s faults.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 8)善護口業,不譏他過。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第八品)
Bu-33He guarded well his bodily deeds and never transgressed any precept.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 8)善護身業,不失律儀。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第八品)
Bu-34He guarded well his mental deeds and constantly kept himself pure and uncontaminated.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 8)善護意業,清淨無染。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第八品)
Bu-35He viewed all dharmas as change; he constantly dwelt on the Samadhi of Eternal Stillness.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 8)觀法如化,三昧常寂。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第八品)
Bu-36They have brought forth the Bodhi heart and single-mindedly recite the name of Buddha Amitabha.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 24)發菩提心,一向專念,阿彌陀佛。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第二十四品)
Bu-37Uphold the precepts and purify the mind.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 24)奉持齋戒。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第二十四品)
Bu-38Whenever he has time, he should set his body and mind upright, cut off desire and discard worldly affliction, and have a compassionate heart and cultivate diligently.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 25)有空閒時,端正身心,絕欲去憂,慈心精進。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第二十五品)
Bu-39One should not get angry or jealous.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 25)不當瞋怒嫉妒。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第二十五品)
Bu-40One should be filial, uphold utmost sincerity, and be loyal and trustworthy.The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 25)要當孝順,至誠忠信。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第二十五品)
Bu-41One should believe that doing good deeds would bring one great benefit.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 25)當信作善得福。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第二十五品)
Bu-42One should not be gluttonous or miserly.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 25)不得貪餮慳惜。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第二十五品)
Bu-43They are self-restrained and upright, and both their body and mind are pure and clean.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 32)檢歛端直,身心潔淨。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十二品)
Bu-44People in this world, father and son, brother and brother, husband and wife, relatives, should respect and love each other.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 33)父子兄弟夫婦親屬,當相敬愛。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十三品)
Bu-45They should use gentle words and amiable facial expressions, and not defy and disobey others.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 33)言色常和,莫相違戾。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十三品)
Bu-46You should choose to diligently cultivate good deeds.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 33)擇其善者,勤而行之。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十三品)
Bu-47You should diligently devote yourself to cultivation.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 33)當勤精進。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十三品)
Bu-48Do not let your mind control you, do not fail in following the teaching of the sutras and precepts.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 33)勿得隨心所欲,虧負經戒。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十三品)
Bu-49So why not diligently cultivate good deeds when one is strong and capable. What is there to wait for?(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 33)何不於強健時,努力修善,欲何待乎。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十三品)
Bu-50Respecting Buddha is a great virtue.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 34)敬於佛者,是為大善。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十四品)
Bu-51You should be mindful of the Buddhas and cut off all suspicions.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 34)實當念佛,截斷狐疑。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十四品)
Bu-52The proper way should be shown and those who have not yet been delivered should be crossed over.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 34)開示正道,度未度者。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十四品)
Bu-53You should determine to cleanse the defilement in your mind.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 34)洗除心垢。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十四品)
Bu-54Your words and conduct should be true and unwavering, and your outside should match up with your inside.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 34)言行忠信,表裡相應。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十四品)
Bu-55We are now receiving the Buddha’s clear admonitions and we will diligently follow and practice them according to your teachings and will not have any doubt.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 34)受佛明誨,專精修學,如教奉行,不敢有疑。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十四品)
Bu-56[It is really a great virtue to] guard your mind, correct your behaviour, and not to commit numerous offenses in this world.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 35)端心正意,不為眾惡。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十五品)
Bu-57If one can set one’s body upright, then one should correct their mind and match their words with their conduct. Thus, what one does is strictly out of sincerity.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 35)端身正念,言行相副,所作至誠。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十五品)
Bu-58Do good deeds and commit no evil offenses.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 35)獨作諸善,不為眾惡。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十五品)
Bu-59Respect the sages and the virtuous.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 36)尊聖敬善。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十六品)
Bu-60Be kind and compassionate to others.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 36)仁慈博愛。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十六品)
Bu-61Your body and mind should be kept pure and clean, corresponding with wholesomeness.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 36)身心淨潔,與善相應。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十六品)
Bu-62Do not let desires take control nor commit any offense.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 36)勿隨嗜欲,不犯諸惡。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十六品)
Bu-63Your words and expression should be amiable and you should devote yourselves to cultivation. Your action and look should be stable and calm.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 36)言色當和,身行當專,動作瞻視,安定徐為。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十六品)
Bu-64You should concentrate on your compassionate conduct and purify yourself by upholding the precepts.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 37)慈心專一,齋戒清淨。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十七品)
Bu-65You should be self-disciplined and behave in accordance with uprightness and decency. You should be joyous, compassionate and filial.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 37)自相約檢,和順義理,歡樂慈孝。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十七品)
Bu-66If what you have done violates the precepts, you should repent immediately.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 37)所作如犯,則自悔過。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十七品)
Bu-67Evil should be shunned and good should be followed. If a…[fault is discovered] in the morning, it should be…[corrected before sunset].(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 37)去惡就善,朝聞夕改。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十七品)
Bu-68You should correct your past faults and follow present virtues. The foulness in your mind should be cleansed and your conduct should be set straight.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 37)改往修來,洒心易行。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第三十七品)
Bu-69There is no lowliness in this person’s mind and he is not arrogant.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 43)心無下劣,亦不貢高。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第四十三品)
Bu-70For seeking this Dharma, one should not have a mind of regression and flattery.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 43)為求法故,不生退屈諂偽之心。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第四十三品)
Bu-71Be filial to the Buddha.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 46)當孝於佛。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第四十六品)
Bu-72Be constantly mindful of the kindness of the teacher.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 46)常念師恩。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第四十六品)
Bu-73You should foster the great benefit and wholesomeness for rebirth into the Pure Land.(The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra of Adornment, Purity, Equality and Enlightenment of the Ma­hayana SchoolChapter 46)種修福善,求生淨剎。(《佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》第四十六品)
《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-74Lecture on the Dharma using a variety of gentle and kind words and explanations to make the audience feel happy to hear it.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》以種種柔軟言詞,為說法要令其歡喜。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-75When we meet monastics or lay people, those who practice according to the way of Bodhisattvas, we need to respect and believe in them as they are the Teachers.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》見在家出家菩薩乘人,常生信敬起教師想。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-76Do not see the faults of others.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》不求他過失。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-77Do not draw attention to the faults of others.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》不舉人罪。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-78Avoid harsh language and miserliness.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》離粗語慳吝。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-79We should be rid of laziness.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》當捨於懈怠。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-80Avoid all confusing and agitating environments.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》遠離諸憒鬧。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-81Be serene and content.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》寂靜常知足。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-82Do not pursue prestige or wealth.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》不著名聞利養果報。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-83Propagate the proper teachings often and widely to others.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》常為眾生廣宣正法。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-84Abide in the cultivation of purity and generate an awakened mind.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》住清淨行,生覺悟心。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-85Even a little effort wisely applied can benefit infinite beings.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》以少功用善能利益無量眾生。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-86Vow to be focused and diligent [in chosen method of cultivation], and protect and support the proper teachings.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》發起精進,普護正法。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-87Be comfortable and accord with [proper] conditions in whatever we do.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》一切行中,隨順而住。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-88Earnestly protect and support the proper teachings, even with one’s life.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》護持正法,不惜身命。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-89Always be diligent in cultivation and do not pursue personal gain.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》常勤精進,不求利養。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-90Propagate and lecture on the Dharma for all people.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》於四眾中,宣說正法。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-91Be good at teaching so as to inspire others.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》善入一切眾生心行。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-92Let your mind be serene and gentle, and always be compassionate.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》心意調柔,常懷慈愍。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-93Be supremely patient with all dharmas, but do not be attached to them.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》於一切法,發生勝忍,無執著心。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-94Do not crave personal gain or the respect of others. Instead, always keep a mind of purity and be filled with Dharma joy.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》不貪利養,恭敬尊重,淨意樂心。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-95Seek the supreme, perfect enlightenment of a Buddha at all times and never forget.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》求佛種智,於一切時,無忘失心。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-96Esteem others and behave respectfully towards them without any disdain.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》於諸眾生,尊重恭敬,無下劣心。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-97Do not be attached to worldly learning and discussions. Generate the will to pursue the Seven Factors of Enlightenment.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》不著世論,於菩提分,生決定心。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-98Plant good roots, avoid bad influences, and have a pure mind.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》種諸善根,無有雜染,清淨之心。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-99Enjoy and always cultivate the wondrous practice of pure supreme karmas [deeds].《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》清淨殊勝業,愛樂常修習。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-100We should avoid all bad karmas [deeds] and cultivate the supreme practice.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》當捨下劣業,應求勝上法。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-101Study, cultivate, and teach others with speech and by setting examples.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》讀誦、修行、為人演說。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-102We should learn from, be close to, and make offerings to bodhisattvas, who diligently practice meditative concentration.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》於一勤修禪定菩薩,亦當親近供養承事。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-103Cultivate diligently for wisdom.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》於智慧中當勤修習。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-104Wise men will avoid any place where there are untruthful, unbeneficial words or disputes as these will cause many afflictions.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》戲論諍論處,多起諸煩惱,智者應遠離。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-105Believe deeply in cause and effect.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》深信因果。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-106Do not attach to excess sleeping or eating.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》不貪睡,不貪吃。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-107No jealousy.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》心無嫉妒。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-108Make offerings to the Triple Jewels [Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha].《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》供養三寶。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-109For seeking supreme perfect enlightenment, we should never tire of learning or feel that we have learned enough of the Dharma.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》為求無上道,聞法無厭足。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-110Do not see the faults of others or consider oneself to be superior.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》不應見人過,自謂最尊勝。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-111Arrogance and indulgence are the causes of negligence. Do not despise any being.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》憍恣放逸本,莫輕下劣人。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-112Be awakened and feel ashamed [for bad deeds]. Be focused and diligent in the cultivation of concentration.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》覺悟生慚愧,要住精進力。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-113Be compassionate to all beings and do not even have the thought of harming any of them.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》於諸眾生,起於大慈,無損害心。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-114Be ashamed of and report all the bad deeds that have been committed.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》所行罪業,慚愧發露。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-115Practice diligently the paramita of patience and abide contentedly in patience.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》勤修忍辱行,安住於忍辱。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
Bu-116Be constantly mindful of impermanence and be cautious and do no indulge oneself.《Sutra on Generating the Supreme Aspiration of Bodhisattvas》但念無常,慎勿放逸。《發起菩薩殊勝志樂經》
《The Cultivation Guidelines for Pure Land school practitioners》《淨宗同學修行守則》
Bu-117【The Three Conditions in the Visualization Sutra】The First Condition: Be filial and provide for parents, be respectful to and serve teachers, be compassionate and do not kill, and cultivate the Ten Virtuous Deeds.The Second Condition: Take the Three Refuges, abide by all precepts, and behave in a dignified and appropriate manner.The Third Condition: Generate the Bodhi mind, believe deeply in the law of cause and effect, recite and uphold the Mahayana sutras, and encourage others to advance on the path to enlightenment.《The Cultivation Guidelines for Pure Land school practitioners》【觀經三福】一者、孝養父母,奉事師長,慈心不殺,修十善業。二者、受持三皈,具足眾戒,不犯威儀。三者、發菩提心,深信因果,讀誦大乘,勸進行者。《淨宗同學修行守則》
Bu-118【The Six Harmonies】Harmony in having the same viewpointsHarmony in observing the same preceptsHarmony in living togetherHarmony in speaking without conflictHarmony in experiencing Dharma blissHarmony in sharing benefits《The Cultivation Guidelines for Pure Land school practitioners》【六和敬】見和同解,戒和同修,身和同住,口和無諍,意和同悅,利和同均。《淨宗同學修行守則》
Bu-119【Do not cultivate the Three Defilements】Our every thought must avoid the three poisons and accord with purity (precepts), impartiality (meditative concentration) and proper understanding (wisdom).《The Cultivation Guidelines for Pure Land school practitioners》【三無漏學】起心動念,遠離三毒惡惱,必與清淨(戒)、平等(定)、正覺(慧)相應。《淨宗同學修行守則》
Bu-120【The Six Paramitas that Bodhisattvas cultivate】Always cultivate the Paramitas of giving, precept observation, patience, diligence, meditative concentration, and wisdom. Teach and help all beings to abide in the way to supreme, perfect enlightenment.《The Cultivation Guidelines for Pure Land school practitioners》【菩薩六度】恆以布施、持戒、忍辱、精進、禪定、智慧,六度之行,教化眾生,住於無上真正之道。《淨宗同學修行守則》
Bu-121【The Ten Great Vows of Samantabhadra】All Pure Land practitioners should respectfully cultivate the virtue of Samantabhadra: (1) respect all Buddhas, (2) praise Tathagata, (3) make offerings extensively, (4) repent karmic obstacles, (5) rejoice at others’ meritorious deeds, (6) request the turning of the Dharma wheel, (7) request the Buddha to remain in this world, (8) constantly follow the Buddha’s teachings, (9) accommodate all sentient beings, (10) and dedicate all merits universally.Emulate Samantabhadra and cultivate according to his great vows in thought after thought, endlessly and continuously without ceasing. My body, speech and mind will never tire of these deeds.《The Cultivation Guidelines for Pure Land school practitioners》【普賢十願】咸共遵修普賢大士之德,一禮敬諸佛,二稱讚如來,三廣修供養,四懺悔業障,五隨喜功德,六請轉法輪,七請佛住世,八常隨佛學,九恆順眾生,十普皆迴向。學習菩薩,修此大願,無有窮盡,念念相續,無有間斷,身語意業,無有疲厭。《淨宗同學修行守則》